
[CCVM2012]降压药物对血管的不同作用——澳大利亚Monash大学心血管研究中心主任James D Cameron教授专访

作者:  J.D.Cameron   日期:2012/7/3 10:56:59



  International Circulation: It has shown in several studies, that β-blockers and ARB would increase the blood pressure variability of patients with hypertension, while CCB decrease it. Therefore, should CCB be given priority in antihypertensive therapy?
 Cameron: It has been suggested that greater short and long term (visit to visit) variation in SBP might be associated with increased cardiovascular risk.?All anti-hypertensives reduce blood pressure but?the various classes of anti hypertensives have different defined side-effects. However there is also evidence suggesting that certain classes are associated with increased benefit in some patients through non-blood pressure effects. In this context it?has been noted that calcium channel blockers might be associated with decreased longer term SBP variability . This is an interesting observation in that CCBs are also regarded as preferentially preventing stroke compared to other manifestations of hypertensive disease such as atherogenic progression and are perhaps to be preferred in the elderly on the basis of clinical trials.
To fully answer the question long term clinical trials confirming the hypothesis that CCBs decrease SBP variation and that SBP variation is directly and positively associated with cardiovascular events are required - these would take some years to complete if they were to begin. In the meantime the suggestion that CCBs decrease BP variation does add further weight to the current use of CCBs in the elderly but the evidence is not strong enough to change the commendations from other anti-hypertensives. In my opinion beta-blockers are not appropriate in essential hypertension and ARBs remain second line for inhibition of the RAAS in those who are intolerant of ACEIs.

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版面编辑:赵书芳  责任编辑:聂会珍

血压变异性降压治疗 隐匿性高血压

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